February 14, 2006


A day full of masti... supposed to be window shopping, but landed up buying a typical my-kinda tshirt. A blue tshirt with collar, it was too irresistable :P. Went to BDA, had panipuri and jalebi :D Er.. how can an evening end without a coffee, so, a caffein kick to mark the end of the day.
Went back home and was so damn tired, just wanted to sleep.. and I did too, but got this weirder than the weird-most weirdest dreamzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
I’m sitting alone with my orange/yellow stripes calvin t-shirt…
Here comes a guy….bent on his knees….with a mug of Tea in his hand and says
‘khushi, You always say tea is your life, can I be the tea for your life??’’
Haaan???’…. and I believe from that day on, I would stop drinking tea…
This is all the dream was.... ;;)

And I was sharing this with a friend of mine and he happened to ask me how the guy was looking like, and my reply was, ‘oh I don’t remember, but that guy had a sexy black colour mug in his hand and I was concentrating more on that :D'
and he was like, with full difficulty atleast in your dreams someone proposed you and you just remember the mug which he was holding.... pssst...
ha ha ha.... do you think people call me foodie with no reason ;-)

I just remember a pickup line

ha ha ha!

PS: NO, this post is nowhere related to Valentines day, it was just there in my drafts since long, which I chose to publish it now. Btw, Happy Valentines day, Love and be Loved! :)


rebel_on_loose said...

Coffee....Tea...or just Me ???
Lol...i've heard this 1 before...
Funny dream u had!
Happy Valentine's Day 2 u...hope u have fun!

Avi said...

//and he was like, with full difficulty atleast in your dreams someone proposed you and you just remember the mug which he was holding....

seriously yaar, funny dream. Neways Happy Valentine's Day to you as well !

Naveen said...

You looked at the coffee mug and not the person's face? :) Can be a nice theme for a Bollywood movie! Heroine running around with a coffee mug in her hands trying to locate the owner(hero) of the mug :))

jus kidding...have fun :)

Chitra said...

Khushi now on the lookout for a 'guy with a black mug' ?? :) :)

Jay said...

// I believe from that day on, I would stop drinking tea…

WHOA . U should have realized immediately that it was a dream! :p

Khushi said...

thanks ROL,Gangadhar,Avi :)

//Heroine running around with a coffee mug in her hands trying to locate the owner(hero) of the mug :))


ha ha ha, looking out for the MUG I should say! ;-)

//WHOA . U should have realized immediately that it was a dream! :p
ha ha ha, mebbe thats when i realized it was a dream :)

Anonymous said...

hey..that was funny !! LOL!!
first thing that hit me was my office coffee mug is dark black and huge one!! I never liked it and today it gets to appear in some girl's dream ?! Lucky mug!!
Btw, that was the weirdest way to propose, I guess : I will be tea of your life !! Does he not realise that you would swallow him ?!

Khushi said...

//Btw, that was the weirdest way to propose, I guess : I will be tea of your life !! Does he not realise that you would swallow him ?!

Ha Ha Ha!
I never thought that :D

Deepa said...

Black Mug ...

Some thing cookin' ...he he he he

Sunil said...

Dat was really sweet...

Tea mugs hav really replaced the ubiquitous red rose...

At least in dreams...

Next time he comes ask him "is mug bhar chai mein dub maro" ;)

Khushi said...

how I wish ;-)

//"is mug bhar chai mein dub maro" ;)

ha ha ha, surething :D

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

‘khushi, You always say tea is your life, can I be the tea for your life??’’

Happy V-day to you too lady...Know its a belated one :D


Khushi said...

he he,
thanks arz000n :)

coolvir said...

I remembered a country song i heard(i think sung by glen cambell) :

When i want you by my side,
When i want you in my arm,
Whenever i want't you all i have
to do is dream...
I can make you mine,
taste your lips of wine
anytime nite or day.
Only trouble with dream is
I am dreaming my life awayeee.

Known Stranger said...

starry starry stary nightt
i lieb benath the glimmering night
a cloud above an angel's stare
comforting glow moon aware
stary stary stary night
i witness a shooting star above
close my eyes and make a wish
a feelign of hope and feelign of bliss